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Probe into in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+1Posted:2018-09-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: come into beingbring into beingprobeproberbe innocent ofspace probebe in the redbe in the right
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151. Purpose : To probe into the diagnosis and treatment of renal arteriovenous fistula ( AVF ).
152. Objective Probe into the status of web - study application and demands of medical student of adult education.
153. Objective: To probe into the operating methods and application of acute normovolemic hemodilution carrying out for intracranial tumor patients during operation.
154. And basing upon the study, to more probe into the symbolistic meaning of the form of odd number and even number in ancient times sacrificial culture.
155. Objective To probe into the feasibility of synthesizing acetylsalicylic acid under mcrowave radiation condition.
156. This thesis is a tentative probe into foreign language teaching, by making use of some up-to-date psycholinguistic evidence and theories, trying to link theory into practice.
157. Objective: To probe into the effect of human sera on tumor cell aggregation and evaluate tumor cell agglutinating activity of human sera.
158. In order to achieve the accurate calculation of the life time of the gear drive, it is necessary to probe into the accurate calculation method of the bending stress of the gear tooth root.
159. OBJECTIVE probe into the current situation and developing trend of ranitidine in China.
160. AIM:To probe into the possible mechanism of pure word deafness(PWD), and provide the theoretical evidence for the rehabilitation of aphasia.
161. Objective To probe into the inhibitory effect of polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP) on human urinary bladder carcinoma cells T24 in vitro.
162. Objective To probe into the enzyme changes and meaning of serum of acute diazepam poisoning.
163. Researchers inclined to probe into the influential factors of college students' anomic behaviors such as social environment, university, family, and the individual as well.
164. It requires prudence and perseverance to probe into the law of nature.
165. Objective : To probe into the value of paraventriculostomy for treating ventricular hemorrhage.
166. Mao Tsetung is a great forerunner to probe into the governing rules followed by CPC.
167. Objective To study the influence of maize oil on lipidic metabolization in rats'liver and probe into the role and pathogenesis of single maize oil in the occurrence of Steatohepatitis.
168. Probe into the safe nursing hidden trouble for new graduate nurse in department of paediatrics and its countermeasures.
169. Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer with combined transfer factor and microwave and probe into the common nosogenesis.
170. Probe into the Transformation of Market Channel Strategy of Large - scale State - owned Travel Agencies.
171. Objective Probe into the iconic memory mechanism in visual pattern masking.
172. Objective To probe into the pathogenesis of atelectasis after chest trauma.
173. The author tries to make a comparative study of Pang Ye stories in terms of their hand-down, development and variation so as to probe into some theoretical problems in story typology.
174. Objective Probe into the function of early intervention after cesarean section promoting breastfeeding.
175. This essay attempts to probe into different aspects such as the ideo cultural causes, the means, and the significance and influence of Hughes's poetical innovations based on American black music.
176. Objective To probe into the clinical efficacy of centesis guided by ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment of abdominal abscess.
177. Objective Through retrospective analysis of the effect of one-to-one responsibility system deliver, probe into the best intrapartum health-care service mode.
178. Objective: To analyze relative factors of cervical spondylosis complicated with thoracic vertebra small joint disorder and to probe into corresponding nursing strategies.
179. We probe into the best number of Suppliers in commercial logistics system and manufactural logistics system through two models, and mainly do cooperative game analysis in Supplier cooperation.
180. Objective: Probe into nursing care of inhalation hurt after tracheotomy.
More similar words: come into beingbring into beingprobeproberbe innocent ofspace probebe in the redbe in the rightintroduce intobe in two mindsbe intended forbe in the minoritybe in the habit ofbe independent ofsee intothereintocome intohereintotie intogive intopile intodive intolace intowade intomake intomove intopoke intodrive intodelve intocome into use
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